For the last 9 months I have been gluten free. At first I did it at the suggestion of a trusted nutritionist as a way to improve digestion and overall well being- those of us who suffer from thyroid autoimmune disease have a harder time with digesting gluten- so I cut out all wheat, barley, spelt, rye and regular oats (the kind that don’t say “gluten free” on the packaging) I felt better. Then after a month I was advised to enter it back into my diet to see if it was an issue. I ate delicious gluten for a week on vacation and it wrecked havoc on my system. So I returned to eating, cooking, and baking gluten free (and got rather used to it).
This week my thyroid Dr. told me he wants me to take a celiac test to see if my gluten “intolerance” is in fact a full-blown allergy (my reactions to very small amounts seem to be getting more pronounced).
In order to get an accurate testing I will have to eat gluten for at least three days prior to the blood test. I am excited for pizza, pastries and real cake but I am dreading the aftermath. I will be bloated (usually I look like I did at 7 months pregnant) and I will have some gnarly stomach issues. But it will be worth it to rule out celiac. Having celiac disease requires a whole other level of commitment. Plus the decontamination process (of house and person) is said to be really intense.
So wish me luck this should be an interesting couple of days.
Praying for you! Becca Riddle just found out she has Celiac if you come back positive you two can get your heads together :)
Thanks! I need all the hugs i can get right now.