Today was one of those days where I woke up and nothing seemed to be as it should Some call it waking up on the wrongs side of the bed I call it waking up at the wrong time in the bed. Owen crawled into bed with me at a little before 6am (way earlier than I usually rise) and proceeded to tunnel around in the covers like a mole. M.G had left to work out already so I couldn't persuade him to get up with Owen( like I usually do) so up I got. I really felt like I wasn't going to be able to pull it together today (getting up before 7am really does something negative to my attitude). But then Owen persuaded me to go out into the sunshine "it helps warm up you body momma" and do side walk chalk. He is so funny these days because there is generally a running narrative coming out of his mouth at all times. He made up lots of stories about our "chalking" and was just so bright and sweet that I couldn't even try to stay grumpy. Being his Momma is really a special gift. Owen is a happy kid by nature and I tend to be a more melancholy type so it never ceases to amaze me when he is able to turn my whole perspective around.
He makes my life sweet.
The handles that came with this chalk are so nice! I can finally touch the chalk with out feeling like there are a thousand ants treading on my spine.
The sound of chalk on the pavement still makes my teeth itch. A small price to pay though for a morning of bliss.
you said it perfectly. chalk is un-nerving, but so worth it!