Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve

Well it's new years eve and I'm still in the jim jams I wore to bed last night...yep I never even got dressed today.
The highlights of the night were takeout Thai food,playing blocks with our sweet little sick baby, reading leggo comics to Owen and watching How I Met Your Mother re-runs with mg. Things may not be all party party party around here but that's ok things are good...and comfy in two day old jim jams.
Happy New Year!!

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Some Goals

I am sitting here working on a list of goals for a family planning meeting with Mg. I am coming up totally empty. Well not totally... I have-feel better-written down. And really that's what I want... I want to feel better. I have felt tired and haggard for 3 years now and I am ready to feel better. Thyroid disease is a huge part of the problem but there is also my consistently poor attitude and some lingering sadness as well.

I know there are ways to deal with all of it and I plan on doing those this year. As well as trying really hard to love my family in a new and refreshed way. I have been slacking on the loving again. Falling into the old pit of selfishness and laziness that accompanies bad attitudes and the sadness lurking at my door.

So that's it: Feel better. Love the people who God has given to me.

Looks short on paper but I can see the outline starting to trail off of these two things. I know the amount of work my heart needs and how hard it will be to surrender the junk in there...Doing these things is not really something that will be "accomplished" this year-tho I hope for great progress-but something that will be worked on over the entirety of my life. I know I have a long road ahead of me and that I will have to work at it. but I want to enjoy the work...and I'm smiling thinking about how much grace I'm going to need...
Owen 5yrs and climbing
"Everyone to whom God has given wealth, and possessions, and the power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and rejoice in his toil-this is the gift of God. For he will not much remember the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with the joy in his heart." (Eccl. 5:19)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Better late than never...again

Merry Christmas!

We had a lovely Christmas. It was full of friends, family and love.

I wanted to take a bunch of cute photos of the brothers in matching jim jams in front of the tree but no such luck. So this is what I got. These photos are more real anyway.
Hope your Christmas was great and that you have a very happy new year as well.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, December 16, 2011

10 Months

Today you are ten months old! You have officially been out of the womb as long as you were in it!

Henry you have changed a ton in the last couple months so I will start from the top and work my way down. You have almost no hair but the little that is starting to come in is blonde as can be. It is even more fair that your brothers was. You have 5 teeth as of today. You LOVE to eat!! You will eat any old thing we put in front of you. Seriously you will eat anything...I have always prayed for a good eater...your brother was always super picky so you being an incredible eater is a great blessing and proof of Gods grace. Some of your favorite foods are frozen grapes, avocado, turkey, pears, brown rice cooked in home made chicken broth, green beans, black beans, and bananas

You have learned to crawl...kind of. its this sort of mix between crawling and scooting...we shall call it scrooting. Its adorable whatever it is and your thrilled with your new mobility and are having a blast testing all the limits of our not very baby proofed house(add to list of "to dos"...put little plastic guards back in plug in wholes)

you scrooting away from me towards the wires.
 Some other fun developments are that you love to chatter away pretty much all the time and you have about 4 voices you use regularly. The falsetto, the growling monster, the squealer, and the normal Henry voice.

this is what most of the photos looked like. you are always moving at least one part of your body.

You have quite a wide range of nick names so far. I will document them here for you to be embarrassed by later. First there is Henny, then henny penny puddin and pie, Hank(of course), Henners, stink bottom(Owens nick name for you), little mister, mister mister, buddy, broth(short for brother also an Owen name), little, tiny, doozer(thank aunt Lindy for that), and hanky panks. Hank is the most widely used by me and little buddy is what your papa calls you. Owen thinks up new ones all the time and they are usually nonsensical but sometimes one sticks.

We are head over heals for you little Henry. All of us... your whole entire family just thinks your grand. Your a funny little guy and you are happy and contented most of the time but you definitely share what opinions you have. I cant believe you belong to me! I feel doubly blessed and am so thankful for your sweat self.
I am your lucky momma and I love you

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Yesterday you turned 5! I can hardly believe that 5 years have come and gone already... words actually fail me. You are so big now. You are a real live boy no more preschooler left in you and all vestiges of babyhood long passed.

This was your cake. you were really impressed...which is funny because it was a monumental flop. The cake was vanilla with mostly chocolate frosting(I had to add some left over colored butter cream to fill in when i ran out of chocolate). You loved the effect and specifically asked for the number 5 to be on there.

We had the 3rd annual cookie frosting party... this year only a few of the kids did the frosting...and I am left with a giant bag full of cookies the neighbors will be getting soon. Owen you loved eating the butter cream frosting. That's about all you did with the whole cookie bit this year we will try a new theme.

We saved our presents for you until the evening and you were really excited about all of them. I always have such a bitter sweet feeling about giving you gifts... bitter because I always wish it could be more but sweet because you don't even know or care that you have not received a lot. I am glad that you are so easy to please and that you have such a great capacity for joy.

This picture is blurry... but so is life sometimes... this year has literally whirled by me. I find it so hard to accept that your 5 and that I have had you for this huge amount of time and yet I am still getting to know you. You are still my sweet natured little boy. You have compassion for those who are hurt and needy. Owen you have a very gentle spirit and you are kind and loving to everyone around you. You are also always moving and there is honestly constantly some sound effect coming out of your mouth. I fear that the days of snuggle ups on the couch are nearing there end and that someday soon you may even decide kissing me is gross(please never feel this way...). I am treasuring every last drop of your littleness because it is disappearing before my eyes as the new big, independent you is emerging. I love that your growing and changing but it hurts a little too. I still remember the feel of your warm baby body so sweet and tiny in my arms. I am even more in love with you now than I was then... Imagine that...
Love, Your Momma

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Owen and Henry...

A picture update
Henry was a duck for Halloween and was less than impressed

Owen was a Lion he loved the whole afair

Henry Hates jumping in leaves 

Owen loves jumping in leaves

Owen dresses himself

I dress Henry

They both love each other.

I have been away a while so I just wanted to give you some cuteness to make up for it.

Christmas is upon us and we are slowly getting in the mood this year.

I hope to turn this house into a winter wonderland by the end of the week.