Thursday, December 29, 2011

Some Goals

I am sitting here working on a list of goals for a family planning meeting with Mg. I am coming up totally empty. Well not totally... I have-feel better-written down. And really that's what I want... I want to feel better. I have felt tired and haggard for 3 years now and I am ready to feel better. Thyroid disease is a huge part of the problem but there is also my consistently poor attitude and some lingering sadness as well.

I know there are ways to deal with all of it and I plan on doing those this year. As well as trying really hard to love my family in a new and refreshed way. I have been slacking on the loving again. Falling into the old pit of selfishness and laziness that accompanies bad attitudes and the sadness lurking at my door.

So that's it: Feel better. Love the people who God has given to me.

Looks short on paper but I can see the outline starting to trail off of these two things. I know the amount of work my heart needs and how hard it will be to surrender the junk in there...Doing these things is not really something that will be "accomplished" this year-tho I hope for great progress-but something that will be worked on over the entirety of my life. I know I have a long road ahead of me and that I will have to work at it. but I want to enjoy the work...and I'm smiling thinking about how much grace I'm going to need...
Owen 5yrs and climbing
"Everyone to whom God has given wealth, and possessions, and the power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and rejoice in his toil-this is the gift of God. For he will not much remember the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with the joy in his heart." (Eccl. 5:19)


  1. I love you Dana. Thinking through some of the exact same things. We should chat :) I LOVE your heart and your desire for the Lord. The Ecclessiastes (sp?) passage totally blessed my day!!

  2. Thanks! We should chat I miss you and love you too!
