Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Henry 14 months

Dear sweet Henry,
You are a busy baby. I know all babies are busy at your age but you seem to out do them in some ways...you are very verbal and you chatter all the time...you say a few things that we really understand as well. you say "Oweh" which is Owen. You say Momma and Papa as well just not as often. You can say "more" and "boof" which means dog or animal(you don't seem able to differentiate between animals at this point so they are all boofs). You also say "oh wow" and "wow wow"(which are your Papa's and my favorite things to hear...so funny) and you sign the word  please.

 You eat a ton and you still like almost everything we give you but you are becoming slightly more discerning in your tastes(beans are out now as is frozen corn).
You learned to walk about two weeks ago(13.5 months) and you enjoy carefully walking places. You are still obsessed with stairs and would climb them all day if allowed. I love how smart you are...you have totally mastered cause and effect and I love to watch your little brain work. You learned to give raspberries the other day on our tummy's and faces and you think it is hilarious(we think so too). You are a climber you love to climb the trunk behind our couch and then onto the back of the couch and then down onto the couch then to the floor and then back again. You love your brother and love to have people sit on the floor with you while you play and dance and putsy around.

You are sweet as can be and love to give us all loves-you put your little head on us and hum while you hold on to us-it is the very most precious thing you do. You also hold your hands above your head when we say "how big is Henry?" and then we always say "soooo big" and then you drop your hands... its better than cute .

 You do a few things I am not the fondest of...things like demanding holding when it is impossible for me to hold you and  throwing huge tantrums. When you are angry you like to bang your head against anything you can find...the floor, my face, the couch...and then you cry harder because you have hurt yourself...its sad and frustrating and funny all at the same time but I could definitely live with out you doing that. You have a strong sense of what you want and sometimes those things just don't line up with reality...your learning though and we love you through it all because your you and we cant help loving you sweet boy.

 I cant believe how fast this last year has gone by...seeing you walk around is just crazy. We love you more and more each day and love to watch your personality come out in all that you do. I am a very luck lady to have two such wonderful sons. I am glad that you are mine.
love Momma

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