Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The way it really is: being the crazy lady

About a week ago I lost our radio face thing at Fred Myers...well Henry technically lost it but I am in charge of him so I will take the blame. Today I went back(after calling several times) to see if customer service had it...and to check in the big car cart we used(it had this creepy whole where I just knew lost items would love to hangout) I asked customer service if anyone turned it in...nope. I asked the manager if he could take apart the cart and look in the creepy whole...his face told me everything I needed to know...I was that lady the really crazy one who asks the most outrageous stuff of the store managers...I was my gram. Uhg.

Any way he looked and even tried reaching in...no luck. He did find a thing of bubbles, an old sock, a blue binky that I am pretty sure belonged to us(we lost one the same day as the radio but we are always loosing them so who knows), a pack of gum, half a granola bar, and someones phone. He said he would ask his boss to look into it further but did not ask for my contact info so I am pretty sure he was just saying that. He was nice to me but he had this look on his face the whole time that said"this woman is nuts and I will say anything to get her to forget this cart thing". So I walked away and did my shopping only to find him  and another employee laughing as I passed...no doubt discussing my delusion of my car stereo face residing in a cart...sigh. I cant care that they thought I was weird  tho.

If you know me well you know that is my cars 6th stereo. I am embarrassed to admit it but to my credit usually its not my fault when we have to get a new one... usually its because someone steals it out of our car. Any way it may be a while before we save up enough to get a new one...they are expensive! And we have literally purchased 6 of them...if only car toys had a punch card for this.  Who knows maybe it will eventually turn up at Freds...got to keep the dream alive.
on the plus side...gf pretzels on sale!


  1. I've been there. Not that I have been there with children but I've been one of those "weird" ask a lot of strange questions to male store managers. "Does this store carry those little snaps that hold up hosiery?....oh you don't know what that is.Um the buttons that hook onto tights...(blank stares)..NO? Okay,lets play charades (holds up thigh and points to thigh) right here, they snap here. "Do they have another name maybe?" Oh sure ...sexy lingerie panty holder uppers? Then I sort of ran out of the sore and went some where else across town. At least you stuck it out with the same person and the same store.

  2. Can you buy a new faceplate? Or maybe check craigslist for the one you lost.. On the plus side: your radio probably won't be stolen right now!
