Monday, February 21, 2011

Welcome to our world

Introducing Henry Alexander Gay!
Born on 2/16/2011 he weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces and was 21 inches long. He is beautiful and we love him.
More on his birth to come
Thanks for all the prayers and support!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

40 weeks!

Who knew a baby would want to stay inside me for the entire 40 weeks of pregnancy! Actually the way it is looking at this point the little sprout may stay in even longer than that!

me at 40 weeks bad photo I know...

My due date was Monday February 7th and instead of having a baby I caught another cold...cold number 8 in 9 months to be exact. I am powering home the emergen-c usisng the netty pot, taking the elderberry, resting, and using a box of tissues per day. I have been praying a lot that this cold will end fast and that this baby will come even faster. I know I can trust that it will all happen in the right time and I am being taught a powerful lesson in laying my burdens on Him, not listening to lies I want to believe(you will be sick and pregnant forever) and remaining faithful in prayer knowing that He does hear me and that He does loves me so much that He has a plan that will be way better than anything I could hope to ask for.

His plan for Owen was totally unexpected and totally perfect. Who could ask for a better kid? And I know that it will be the same for this next one as well...even though I have to wait a lot longer to meet him.
Hitting our favorite coffee shop Broadway Coffee House(its only 5 blocks away and serves stump town!) and taking what may be our last "family of 3" Photo. It is a strange thing to think of someone else being a part of this family. Strange and wonderful. I am so excited to meet this new little boy I can hardly stand it!
I love the boy I have so much that I really couldn't be happier to have another one to squeeze! So just you wait little baby your gonna get some good squeezin' from all of us here on the outside real soon! Owen keeps asking when the baby will get here and he seems genuinely excited to meet him as well... I love that he gets to have a brother and that I get to have another little to love!

This post is rambling and disjointed... My brain is not functioning on all cylinders at this point and that my writing has suffered tremendously. I still feel the need-however-to document the joys and trials of motherhood. So to try and sum it up I love being Owens momma and cant wait to have this next baby in my arms! I also feel anxious every day that he may never actually get here...silly I know. I am tired of being sick and pregnant but feel guilty even thinking those thoughts because I know I am truly blessed in so many real ways. So there you have it my life and inner thoughts after 40 weeks of pregnancy.
hope to introduce you to the newest littlest Gay very soon!

Friday, February 4, 2011


The waiting is the hardest part...