Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Not so many blog posts

Sorry for the lack of posting in the past month or so. I have been going through the ringer personally and it seems like even though we haven't been anywhere or done anything ( save one overnight camping trip in which we forgot the camera) I have been overwhelmingly busy.

Overwhelmed pretty much sums it all up really. I was recently diagnosed with bipolar 2 illness ( which I will wright about in detail at a later more stable time), I have always had migraine headaches but this summer they have been more frequent and intense than ever, my thyroid disease ( hashimoto's auto immune) is out of control despite my constant efforts to rein it in with nutrition and natural supplementation, and to top it all off for the last week and a half I have had the heat rash to end all heat rashes all over my body ( though mostly concentrated on my arms). I was told it's probably a "photosynthesis thing" by my care provider meaning that "long times spent out in the sun may effect me this way" aka your summer is over lady unless you like steroid creams shots of cortizon in the bum and constant antihistamine use.

SIGH...... So that has pretty much been our summer. Michael has been amazing he has been pulling his weight around the house and mine. Doing even the most remedial household tasks has seemed like climbing a mountain some days. Owen must scene that I am in a fragile state because he has been more gentle and compliant than I would expect a 2.5 year old trapped in a house in the summer would be. I must take time to thank my in laws especially, as they have really gone above and beyond the call of duty by taking Owen over night several times to give me much appreciated breaks. Owen loves spending time with his grandparents, aunt and uncles and it is great to be able to take him there and know he will get tons of love and adoration from all.

I am really trying to see the good in these trials. I know there is some because there always is. But right now I feel defeated, frustrated, lost inside myself and alone in a healing process few can understand. Your prayers for our family are more than appreciated. I will be posting more often as I find the time and motivation to do so. And in due time will write more about my experience with bi-polar2 illness.
Thank You for your thoughts and prayers


  1. Dana, I am praying for you. To make it through summer, through sucky rashes ( I know that feeling to), through the not feeling so hot from the thyroid ( know that feeling too ) and learning who you are and what God has in story for the big picute.

    Many HUGS friend. If you ever need anything feel free to call or e-mail me. Dinner? You got it! Babysitter? For sure. Girls night out? ALWAYS!!! :0

  2. Hey Dana... this was written a while ago, but just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you. It's hard to watch a close friend struggle with these things! I'm sorry you've been hit so hard lately. I look forward to hanging out more soon. Will keep praying, but let me know if there's anything practical I can help you with through this season. Love, Lindsay
