Sunday, March 24, 2013


For a couple years now we have prayed,dreamed,hoped,talked about and planned for a church in our neighborhood. A community of people centered on the gospel of Jesus. A people who live a life full of love for Jesus and poor that love out on the thirsty in our community.

We knew that the timing would be the Lords not ours and that with prayer the people that would gather would be His provision. But we were scared to step out. Maybe Noah was scared to start building that massive boat too? That's how I felt... Like we were doing something a little odd... Because we aren't the only gig in town. There are other churches you know? But still we heard Him calling us to follow and obey.

So we did.

And like He did with Noah he provided. The rain came. People came. They come. And we are a community of people working to love each other just like those folks in Acts...

Praying,eating,worshiping,serving each other,revering Gods word, and trying to poor into the neighborhood around us.

It is a new un-charted territory. We are constantly reminded of how much we need Him. Of how simple acts of love and worship are glorifying. And how deeply His grace sustains us daily.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. excited for you and to hear more about your adventures.
