Thursday, January 7, 2010

My list for 2010

This year I am writing it down and publishing it for all to see in hopes that the idea of accountability will spur me into accomplishment.

*Learn to make gluten free bread with new GF bread machine.

* Make/keep a bi-weekly meal calender

* Learn too sew

* Sew curtains for my house

* Make my basement work for me

* Get into shape (loose weight and tone up)

*Go to the gym 3 times per week (should be a sinch with new Kroc center membership)

*Be able to run in 3 mile increments with out stopping to walk

* Blog twice a week (at least)

* Print and frame pictures regularly (at least 3 times per year)

*Read 3 books per month and report on them.

* Live without refined sugar (Ok just mostly)

* Do one educational activity with Owen per day (no less than 30 minutes)

* Take more pictures

* Ask God to do something humanly impossible, pray and wait, expecting Him to follow through

* Keep a food journal

* Go on a date with MG at least twice a month

* Find a good baby sitter

* Buy an upright freezer

*Freeze things ( pesto, bolognese & enchilada sauce, fruits and veggies, whole meals, bread)

* Learn to can and can things like jam.

* Look to the Word of God first for counsel in hardship and then to my husband

* Make breakfast for my family everyday (that means getting up before 7:30)

* Find ways to serve the people I love then do it

* Make and keep a chore chart

* Finish Owens first year scrapbook (yikes)

* Paint the inside of our house

* Make hospitality a priority

* Frame some of Owens art

* Make my own kefir from scratch

* Make a photo calendar and book

* Make Christmas cards for friends and family (I have never done this and always wanted to)

* Try 2 new recipes a month and report

* Be more intentional about the way I live and the things I spend my time on.

Now I am not saying that all (or any) of these things will be accomplished only that I will be trying my best to do them. I am hoping to report back when I have the opportunity to cross an item off the list, or to report progress (or lack there of) when progress is made on an "ongoing" type goal.

I look forward to this new year and am hoping it will bring new discovery and joy in unexpected ways.

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