Owen you are 3.5 now!! Oh my word how you have grown in the last 6 months. I am always amazed at your development. Not only intellectually but physically too(as cliche as this is to say)you have actually shot up like a weed.
Almost all of your babyisms are gone, you have used the toilet day and night for the last 6 months,you only sleep during rest if your sick,you do puzzles like a mad man, you sing songs (and make up your own),and you can memorize books now!! You you still have a bit of trouble saying your L's they come out as W's and your R's are still really soft(which I love and hope they always are).
There are still funny things that you say...your sandals are your "samples" chocolate is "choclick" you mix up she and her... so a common sentence is "we go see she?" or "is her coming too?" you still say "amimals" and when you say zoo it sounds like jew.
You LOVE the show Kipper-which is the most mellow T.V show ever-about a English dog and his animal friends. You also enjoy Veggie Tales and Pink Panther quite a bit.
You have always loved to read-well being read to and looking at books- but now you memorize the stories. This week your favorite is Miss Lucy had a Baby.
Owen you ask us "why" constantly. It can be exhausting,and sometimes, I don't know the answers to your questions...last night you asked your Papa "why I poke myself in the eye"...things like that no one really understands buddy.
I really love you and your inquisitive nature. I love that you don't just sit and let life pass you by. You are active and curious about everything, qualities I think will take you far.
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