Tuesday, December 14, 2010

4 Years old

Dear Owen,
Today you turned 4! I cannot believe how fast the time has flown by. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday and since you love to hear me tell the story...
Here it is...On the night you were born there was a huge storm. There was thunder and lightning and rain and wind. Trees fell down on power lines and people everywhere had no power.There was floods in the streets and in our basement. The wind and rain were so fierce that they shook the windows in the hospital. You arrived 4.5 weeks early and were delivered by surgery from my tummy. Right after they took you out of my tummy the power actually went out in the hospital(even the generators were out) and some one in the operating room yelled GET THE FLASH LIGHTS!! Then they said to me "don't worry everything will be fine"...and it was. You were safe and healthy and mine.

You love to here the part about the flash lights most of all and ask me to repeat that part...you love flashlights. I couldn't believe how precious and perfect you were when you were placed in my arms. I thought I would burst from joy and pride. I look at you today blowing out 4 candles on your cupcake and feel exactly the same way.I cannot even express in words how much I love being your mama.

Tonight we asked if you would like anything special for dinner...not sure what we expected you to say... you asked for cottage cheese, bananas and hummus and chips and said "that's a really special dinner" your Papa and I just laughed and said "sure why not"... you eat those foods on at least an every other day basis.

I love you kid and I am so happy God gave you to us.

Love Mama

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