Saturday, February 13, 2010

Looking Forward

I am longing for this place. I am wearing my I heart Priest Lake hoodie and thinking of the clean fresh air, naked babies, and the gorgeous sun sets that comes with our annual summer trip to the lake. The days are warm and the water is always cool and refreshing. The nights are cold and full of stars and family.

I started thinking of this today because Owen insisted on being "Naked Boy"(said as if it were the name of the most famous super hero ever). I worried because of how cold it is(broken furnace) and wondered when he would gain modesty as a part of his personality. So I thought back to the lake where it is warm and we are surrounded by family and he can hang out naked all day even at the end of the dock till the sun goes down and no one will care (and he wont freeze).

I usually don't look forward to the summer, I prefer the gray, (random I know) but this winter I am ready to get on with life and I am really ready for some sunshine. My out look on things has been drastically altered and I am anticipating the spring and looking forward-for the first time in a long time-to exploring the beauty that each season has to offer.

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