Thursday, February 18, 2010

Taking "Charge"

Last summer I lost our camera's battery charger. I have know Idea what happened to it. I searched the entire house from top to bottom more than 20 times and still never found it. I still have not found it. I sometimes am able to borrow my Moms battery charger because she owns the same model as me. She is understandably reluctant to let me keep it here for longer than a day or so (she doesn't want hers to go missing too).
Recently I tried ordering one from the Internets that said it was "compatible" with my camera's battery but that was a lie. It was not compatible at all.
So today I break down and I will go to buy a brand-spankin-new one. It will cost me a nice chunk of change which we really don't have. At the end of the day when all is said and done it will be worth it to have photographic memories that are not on M.G's i-phone.
So after this lady gets her camera fired back up, you will be inundated with pictures of our life once again.

1 comment:

  1. Dana, thanks for you comment! I would love have you teach me some of your tricks! And I think you made the right call with getting a new battery. While raising a child it's on my must have list. Right up their with a car seat.
