This weekend I went on a retreat with the ladies from Campus Crusade(aka Cru)and the some of the ladies from West Valley(my church). It was AMAZING.
We left our shoes and our inhibitions at the door....
We did a little funky decoupage....
the green and orange one is mine... not the best at decoupage.
We cooked together.
We had fun just hearing each others stories and meeting new friends.
We worshiped our great God!
We held barn kittens.
More worship for our Loving Maker!
There were beautiful testimonies of redemption.
And even some really fun and ridiculous games.
Sometimes you just gotta be a ninja.
We celebrated the new lives of Judah and Max. Just in case you boys don't know it you were loved on and awed at by about 40 ladies this weekend!
In the end we were all closer and more familiar. We had prayed for each other and cried on each others shoulders. We rejoiced as a new sister grabbed hold of her savior for the very first time! Then we left tired and excited.
I love you ladies you really are super rad!
oh I wish I could have stayed the rest of the weekend! I am so glad that you were there though! I love your face and heart and we should hang out again soon! Love ya!