Monday, January 24, 2011


Yesterday was supposed to be my baby shower. I was really excited. I haven't had much social interaction lately(because of the order to rest as much as I can)so I was really excited to celebrate with friends and family. I had to go to the hospital instead.
I had a head ache for a few days and some swelling that had my midwife worried enough to tell me to get my blood pressure checked. The blood pressure was really high-158/90-so she said I had to go to the hospital to get checked for pre-eclampsia. So I went to the hospital instead of my baby shower. I was more than disappointed.
Everything turned out to be OK. I do not have pre-eclampsia(thank the Lord)but the spike in blood pressure and the head aches are still slightly concerning...also I have a higher than normal-for pregnancy-white blood cell count now too. The advice is more rest and more vitamins and more blood pressure checks. Believe me I am great full!I know that I came too close to having my pregnancy ended for me yesterday and I am really glad I don't have any major complications. I feel guilty even complaining a little because God did a great thing in keeping me from having any major problems or a major surgery yesterday. Again I am reminded of how good He is.
At the same time I just feel weighed down by the small complications I do have.I am emotionally tapped out and physically worn down. I feel like I am at my limit for "resting" and "taking it easy" I'm not sure how to do less than I have been doing. I miss being me and being able to have fun with my little in any way we want. I feel really done being pregnant and really ready to meet this new baby.
Please pray this baby will come as soon as possible. I am 38 weeks and considered full term so it would be great if he could come now.
Thanks for your prayers and thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry:( Praying for your heart to feel light and your son in your arms:)
